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Cover image for Music web using Vue3 + Vite + TypeScript + WindiCSS + Pinia + Cypress
Tran Nguyen Thuong Truong
Tran Nguyen Thuong Truong

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Music web using Vue3 + Vite + TypeScript + WindiCSS + Pinia + Cypress

I've just deployed a music web that get idea inspiration at dribble
This project is written by me in Vue3 on Vite + TypeScript combined with WindiCSS + Pinia + Prettier + Cypress.
The website designed by myself will help you to have soothing and pleasant melodies. Let's hear and feel it!
Currently, I am still continuing to develop it to become a finished product as soon as possible. Follow us.
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debin_alsa_8889667525d557 profile image
Debin Alsa

Pandora uses the Music Genome Project to analyze songs and create personalized radio stations based on user preferences Try this website. This ensures a highly customized listening experience.