DEV Community

Patrick Wendo
Patrick Wendo

Posted on

Let's learn together.

I propose a let's learn thread where you post a topic you consistently find hard and the guys in the comments help you understand it better.

I start by mentioning that sometimes git checkout -b and setting up a new git branch to track a remote branch usually confuses me. I always have to Google how to do it. Even if I think I understood it last time. Is there a way you learned and understood this particular set of git commands?

Top comments (6)

w3ndo profile image
Patrick Wendo

That is true.

w3ndo profile image
Patrick Wendo

Your dotzshrc is wayyyy bigger than mine. Pretty impressive

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I start by mentioning that sometimes git checkout -b and setting up a new git branch to track a remote branch usually confuses me. I always have to Google how to do it.

I'm curious — do you find that it is the command you can't remember or the "concept" you have a hard time remembering?

w3ndo profile image
Patrick Wendo

It's the command. Cause I typically know what to search for to get the command, but I can never remember the command.