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Simc Dev
Simc Dev

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5 things to keep in mind as a programmer

Here is a list of 5 things to keep in mind when starting programming.

1. Languages are just tools

The most common mistake for a beginner - even for some experienced developers - is focusing too much on languages/frameworks rather than solving problems. It's a good thing to be a "Jack of all trades" but keep in mind that it will get you nowhere if you know all languages/frameworks in the world.

Pick a random one, learn to solve problems with it. Believe me, at the beginning it doesn't matter which programming language you are using. They all make sense.

I am not saying it's bad to learn a new language but make sure to focus on how you can use the language to solve some real-life problems.

Remember, programming is not about what language you use. It's about how you think.

2. Understand the underlying concepts

Don't just focus on solving a problem and then jumping directly to the next one. Programming is not just a typing statement. you have to understand the programming core skills - the fundamentals. Programming can be a highly competitive industry, so it's advisable to highlight your skills.

3. Complex Is Better Than Complicated

Don't be afraid of having a complex solution to a problem. It's true that Simple Is Better Than Complex but usually, complex problems require complex solutions. Just don't make it complicated - make it understandable.

4. Never Panic

Some people panic when they cannot solve a problem the first time. Don't be like that, even if the deadline is close. Most of the time the solution is around. Otherwise, you can find an alternative that might work. Make sure you understand what you are doing. Most importantly, never ever copy/paste code from StackOverflow without a complete understanding of it.

5- Build a routine of continuous learning

Things evolve rapidly in programming. So you better focus on continuous learning.
Reading can be a great way to improve yourself and get up to date. It's regular investment in your knowledge portfolio. But you should critically analyze what you read. Do not believe everything.

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Top comments (22)

tnypxl profile image
tnypxl • Edited

Love your 5th point. It's easy to slip into a "low maintenance mode" after so many years. It get's harder to learn new tech stacks or languages, and you become resentful at the pace of technology.

But continuous learning doesn't have to mean continuous mastery. Catch a tutorial every now and again. Do some challenges on LeetCode. Whatever helps to keep your mind open and sharp.

devsimc profile image
Simc Dev


devsimc profile image
Simc Dev


nicholassterling profile image
Nicholas Sterling

When I'm interviewing candidates for programming jobs, if they say something like "languages are just tools, one is as good as the next," the interview is pretty much over. I'm pretty sure I'm talking to somebody who doesn't really grok type systems, doesn't really grok the power of composition, doesn't really grok the ease of testing pure functions, the advantages of limiting mutation, etc. There is of course the small scale "how do I get X done" in a language, and sure, every language has some way of reading lines from a file, etc. But that's programming in the small. If you want to design and write complex software, there is a lot more to it than that, and the language you choose certainly DOES matter.

But please, if you think that it doesn't matter which language you use, you should definitely say so when you interview. It's a big help to the interviewer! And who knows -- they might even agree with you!

logudotcom profile image
Loganathan Natarajan

Thanks, Good points

devsimc profile image
Simc Dev


andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Step 5 is a game changer for learners.

devsimc profile image
Simc Dev


leviye profile image

point 5th is really good... Appreciated

devsimc profile image
Simc Dev


yourmdsarfaraj profile image
MD Sarfaraj

Nice post, thanks for sharing :)

devsimc profile image
Simc Dev


dovey21 profile image
Somtochukwu Nnaji

The 3rd and 5th point man this is AMAZING

devsimc profile image
Simc Dev


nihatbabazade_ profile image
Nihat Babazadə

Nice Post!

devsimc profile image
Simc Dev


vassovass profile image
Vasso Vass

Great post. Going tjhrough the grind of learning the fundamentals and its good to have that reinforced that I doing the right thing as per your 2nd point to keep in mind.

devsimc profile image
Simc Dev


alidarrudi profile image

very good.

devsimc profile image
Simc Dev


graciousdev profile image
Okanu Gracious

Why is this so perfect?
Great article man

devsimc profile image
Simc Dev
