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NIX United

The team of 3000+ specialists all over the globe delivering software solutions since 1994. We put expertise and skills at the service of client business to pave their way to the industry leadership.

Location Tampa, Florida Joined Joined on  Email address Personal website twitter website
Pagination of an Infinite List of Records in Salesforce.

Pagination of an Infinite List of Records in Salesforce.

19 min read
WebSockets in Python: Security Risks and Possible Alternatives

WebSockets in Python: Security Risks and Possible Alternatives

5 min read
Design patterns for frontend and pizza - what do they have in common?

Design patterns for frontend and pizza - what do they have in common?

12 min read
How to Automate Targeted Advertising in a Non-Standard Way - Advice from a Data Engineer

How to Automate Targeted Advertising in a Non-Standard Way - Advice from a Data Engineer

6 min read
A Three-pronged Approach to Bringing ML Models Into Production

A Three-pronged Approach to Bringing ML Models Into Production

7 min read
Can Micronaut replace Spring Boot? Let's take a look at an example.

Can Micronaut replace Spring Boot? Let's take a look at an example.

Comments 1
11 min read
Using Cucumber and Spock for API test Automation — What Benefits Can You Expect?

Using Cucumber and Spock for API test Automation — What Benefits Can You Expect?

9 min read