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Omar Sinan

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Seven Year Club
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Three Year Club
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One Year Club
Top 7
Creating a Todo List App with React (using Hooks and Contexts)

Creating a Todo List App with React (using Hooks and Contexts)

Comments 2
10 min read

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Getting a Hey Invite Code using a Twitter Bot

Getting a Hey Invite Code using a Twitter Bot

Comments 21
4 min read
Increasing my PageSpeed score from 92% to 100% using CSS only

Increasing my PageSpeed score from 92% to 100% using CSS only

Comments 19
3 min read
Create a Blog in Less Than 20 Lines of Code Using 11ty

Create a Blog in Less Than 20 Lines of Code Using 11ty

Comments 6
4 min read
Creating a Flappy Bird Clone with p5.js and Matter.js

Creating a Flappy Bird Clone with p5.js and Matter.js

Comments 2
5 min read
The Importance of Discipline in Development

The Importance of Discipline in Development

Comments 10
4 min read
Cross-Platform vs Native App Development

Cross-Platform vs Native App Development

Comments 3
1 min read
Hi, I'm Omar!

Hi, I'm Omar!

1 min read