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#Week 3/14 : 100 Days of Code

Day 15

Going beyond goals - building a system that can last a lifetime

I really wish our college would tell us the agenda for the day beforehand - I especially hate it when they call us at random and ask us to demonstrate our lab progress. I have to keep checking all notifications to see if I'm called. Today morning was lost in such anticipation. ughhh...

I had a virtual meet for my internship - went well. I need to improve my communication skills though.

Day 16

Finished off yesterday's and today's Leetcode challenge. It feels nice to start the day like this. I learnt more about bitwise operations. They are pretty efficient!

//check if number is odd/even
    //I'm even

//check if number is power of 2
   //I'm a power of 2

//flip i-th bit

//check i-th bit
    // bit is unset

// the power of XOR

//Shift operators
N<<i is N*(2^i)
N>>i is floor(N/2^i)
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

I spent the evening reading Power BI documentations.

Day 17

Started off with Adhoc problems. Read some more of James Clear's Atomic Habits. Especially liked:

Outcome based goals and Identity based goals. 3 layers of behavioural change - Outcome->Process->Identity. We should rise to the level of our goals - not sink to the level of our system. Let's make our system better.

Did today's #Leetcode challenge. A 7 day streak - yay! Faced repercussion of a tough choice I made - I hope all the choices I make will someday make sense and help me reach places I'd love to be at.

Day 18

I couldn't explain code (2 pass macro processor) that I wrote many months ago - I looked at it today morning and still.....Why?? Maybe I was a bit pressurised. I explained the other programs though - for systems lab.

I also did Leetcode daily challenge and tried deploying a website to Heroku.

Day 19

I did 2 Adhoc questions today - they require very logical choices and I found it hard to arrive at such choices. Dry running with examples helped.

I published my first Leetcode contest analysis. The last 2 problems were tough for me and it took some time to comprehend it. Both were applications of binary search. The last one was about finding Longest Increasing Subsequence and it was pretty cool!

I have to get back on track with my internship tasks.

  • Install windows
  • Do a power BI vs Tableau comparison
  • Do some Kaggle

Day 20

I wasn't very productive today - but it's a Sunday! Leetcode's word ladder question got me intrigued and I spent the whole morning implementing BFS. All test cases passed and yet a TLE.
I attempted Weekly Contest 224 - I could solve only 1 question fully. Baby steps. There's next week.

I had a meeting with my teammates for a website project. The organisers aren't providing us with enough data. I installed windows and power BI. And Guess what - Excel is paid on windows.

Day 21

I spent the day exploring SQLAlchemy - a database toolkit for python. I spent a good amount of time getting my Google Colab notebook to connect to my local Postgres database. There's an option to locally connect the Google Colab notebook - but then it just acts as our local Jupyter notebook. I wanted to run the functions on cloud and access the local database - I guess it's not possible.

I stumbled across a fantastic ML community which discusses ML related research papers - Machine Learning Tokyo. I really want to find time and read the research papers which they discuss - I hope I can understand something.πŸ˜…

Take care,

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