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Krishna  Damaraju
Krishna Damaraju

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JS dev learning Swift

I've always had a strong desire to create useful applications that could assist people in various aspects of their lives, both in their work and personal activities. While I did start working on these ideas a while ago, my efforts took a backseat due to my busy work schedule in the past few years. However, I am now determined to wholeheartedly commit myself to developing these practical applications once again.

Recently, I've been exploring Electron.js as a platform for building these apps, but I've encountered some challenges that don't seem worth the effort, especially at the early stages of development. Because of this, I'm considering exploring alternatives beyond JavaScript. I'm particularly interested in creating apps using native programming languages. To start off on this journey, I've decided to learn Swift.

My take-aways from this journey are:-

๐ŸŽฏ To expand my skills by learning new programming languages and tools outside the realm of JavaScript.

๐ŸŽฏ To create applications that I personally find valuable and would love to use on a daily basis.

And finally, the primary objective of this series is to provide a side-by-side comparison of the syntax and code structures used in JavaScript and Swift. The intention is to create a handy "Cheat Sheet" that individuals can refer to for quick guidance.

[This article is written by me and modified with help of chat-gpt]

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