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Ferit 🌟🕌
Ferit 🌟🕌

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Remote work journey - Day 8


Day 2 of 2nd week where

The weekend was intense with good and bad parts. Having more time with kids yet struggling to have a clear plan for the whole day made it difficult. It is a new situation for all of us. Our son is in his exploration and autonomy phase which can be tough.

On Monday, I realized that slowly the team gets used to daily standups. Yet, no one stands anymore, so it is now a "daily sitdown" when one does remote work.

I also started to feel some back pain and hope that my the chair I ordered from Ikea will arrive this week.

All in all, it still works but now with my wife working 4-5h per day and me ~7h / day for now, it's still a huge challenge.

I hope this week I can write my learnings in one structure blog. The difference is, this time I will use again.


On Monday, I realized that slowly the team gets used to daily standups. Yet, no one stands anymore, so it is now a "daily sitdown" when one does remote work.

We are also moving into a different App Setup for 2020 and move to a WebView driven approach.
Also our Bug process will be presented to all managers and we will have a decision soon here.


On Monday, I started to add more logic to our A/B Test and used the Provider Pattern for React Components. In this case I realized I could also use a React Hook but the Component I'm working in is complex and I already refactored too much stuff for one PR.

The Provider Component is basically an action trigger for the redux store to handle a side effect. I'm not using the High-Order Component approach as the Page Component is already connected to the Redux Store, so using mapStateToProps is the easier solution here.

Enjoy your weekend (#stayAtHome)🤩

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