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Apple is copying TOR (

Guys and Gals!

Its here! Long have we been waiting for such a project, so Apple can finally publicly announce how much of a "anti privacy corporation" they truly are. Hear me out.

If you closely examined the news, you would quickly get the idea that this has got nothing to do with Tor, specifically the idea of Onion routing which is much older than Tor anyway. And besides, if they can convince the normies this bullshit is increasing their privacy, they are still going to have to change the entire architecture of IOS and MACOS. having worked at Apple and knowing coders there, its clear that the devices ignore proxies at will. This is even openly mentioned whenever you configure a new vpn on your iphone: some connections on the device can never be proxied.

So what will the impact of this be on Privacy? I think they are just trying to increase sales as always (which is not a bad thing) and at the same time isolate their ecosystem even more, which is something Steve Jobs himself always wished for since the beginnings.

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